Common rubber jacketed flexible cable sheathing compound

    This product is produced according to requirements of national standard GB/T7594.4-87 and is suitable for common rubber jacketed flexible cable.
    Indicator requirements and measured performance

    No. Item Unit Standard requirements Measured value
    1 Tensile strength MPa ≥7.0 8.0
    Elongation at break % ≥300 350
    2 Air oven aging test                         75±2℃×240 h
    Tensile strength change rate   % ±20 8
    Elongation at break       % ≥250 320
    Change rate of elongation at break    % ≤-20 -15
    3 Thermal extension test                        200±3℃×15 min×0.2N/mm2
    Elongation under load % ≤175 50
    Permanent deformation after cooling % ≤25 10

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